熱門搜尋:  批次 PED 大腸桿菌 體態評分 公告

診斷 採樣 檢驗



山羊下痢病因診斷 Diagnosis of cause of diarrhoea in goats


o  許多原因會造成山羊下痢 Many causes of diarrhoea in goats

o  通常為寄生性腸胃炎 Parasitic gastroenteritis is very common

o  當山羊大於4 ,可優先考慮寄生蟲感染 Rule parasites out first, as a cause of diarrhoea in goats >4 weeks old

o  當山羊小於4齡,優先考慮新生仔羊下痢 Rule out causes of neonatal diarrhoea in kids <4 weeks old




飼養過程 History

o  畜群下痢比例 How many (% of herd) have diarrhoea?

o  其他臨床症狀 Other clinical signs?

o  日齡與性別影響?仔羊或成羊Age and sex affected? Kids, adults?

o  是否有動物死亡?幾頭死亡? Have any goats died? How many? 

o  近期是否改變飼養管理方式 Any management changes made recently?

o  食的飼料或牧草為何? What are the goats eating/grazing?

o  是否誤食有毒或有害植物?Access to any poisons/poisonous plants?

o  最後一次投藥驅蟲為何時?When was the last anthelmintic drench given?

o  投予驅蟲藥為何種類型?What product/drench was given?

o  投藥劑量是否正確?How was the dose calculated?

o  投藥驅蟲後動物圈養的場所?Where were the goats put following drenching?




臨床症狀  Clinical findings

o 全身性疾病? Systemic disease?

o 精神不濟?停止食? Depression? Not eating?

o 腹部疼痛? Abdominal pain?

o 失重?生長不良? Weight loss? Ill-thrift?

o 脫水?評估嚴重程度 Dehydration? Assess severity

o 鄂下水腫如瓶狀顎? Submandibular oedema "bottle jaw"?

o 尾巴沾糞便? Faeces stuck to the tail?

o 黏膜蒼白? Pale mucous membranes?

o 糞便外觀?顏色變化?是否血便? Appearance of faeces? Colour? Blood in faeces?








o  病羊需採樣並經由檢驗室確認病因Need laboratory tests on samples taken from affected goats to confirm a diagnosis

o  動物經治療後有好轉表示診斷正確Response to treatment indicates correct diagnosis




樣品最低需求量 Dminimum samples

o  採集10頭以上的山羊糞便(20g/頭或1015粒糞便) Faeces from 10 goats (20g/animal or 10 to 15 pellets)

l  使用無菌塑膠容器 Use sterile plastic containers

l  無菌塑膠袋於標示後需排除空氣及密封以避免蟲卵孵化 

l  If using plastic bags, exclude air to inhibit hatching of parasite larvae, label, seal bags

l  若無法於12小時內送達檢驗室,樣品需冷藏

l  Refrigerate if not being submitted to laboratory within 12 hours of collection

l  需於48小時內送達檢驗室

l  Submit to laboratory within 48 hours of collection

o  使用含抗凝血劑血管收集血液,做血檢  Blood in EDTA for haemogram




基本檢驗需求 Minimum tests to request

o  糞便蟲卵計數、孵化與鑑別品種Faecal egg counts, larval culture and identification

o  糞便抹片-鑑識球蟲、隱胞子蟲或梨型鞭毛蟲Faecal smears - examination for coccidia, cryptosporidia, giardia

o  細菌培養-大腸桿菌、沙門氏菌、產氣莢膜菌Bacterial culture – E coli, Salmonella spp, Clostridial spp

o  檢測輪狀病毒(電子顯微鏡) Tests for Rotavirus (Electron Microscopy)

o  血紅素與血容積比(貧血) Hb and PCV (anaemia)




進階檢驗 More tests

o  檢驗結果可顯示是否需再作額外檢驗之項目Test results may indicate more tests need to be done eg.

l  抗驅蟲藥性測試 A drench resistance test

Ø  總寄生蟲計數 Total worm count

ü  採集結紮的皺胃與小腸,標示並冷藏Tie off abomasum, small intestine,  label and chill

Ø  微生物監測 Microbiology

ü  採集結紮後的上、中、下段小腸與結腸 Tied off portions of upper, middle, lower small intestine, colon

ü  各部位至於單獨無菌容器標示並冷藏      Place samples in a separate sterile container, label, chill


l  剖檢或採樣 Necropsy and samples collected for:

ü  盲、腸系膜淋巴結       Ileocaecal, mesenteric lymph nodes

ü  由盲腸和結腸採集糞便抹片 Faecal smears from mucosa of caecum and colon

ü  對皺胃、十二指腸、空腸、迴腸、盲腸、結腸或任何病變部位製作組織切片 Histopathology-fixed abomasum, duodenum, jejenum, ileum, caecum, colon, and any organs with lesions