Stifle instability
- 常見後肢跛行,尤其在較重的牛隻 Common hind limb lameness esp in heavy animals
- 在公牛常見於托架損傷 A common mounting injury in bulls
- 可能與十字韌帶損傷、側副韌帶斷裂、1或2個半月板損傷(撕裂等),或股-脛骨關節完全脫位有關 May be associated with damage to the cruciate ligaments, rupture of the collateral ligaments, injuries to one or both menisci (tears etc) or complete dislocation of the femoro-tibial joint
膝關節站不穩 - 臨床症狀Stifle instability - clinical signs
- 突發、中度跛行 Sudden, moderate lameness::
Ø步伐縮短 Shortened stride
Ø負重在腳趾 Weight bearing on the toe
Ø壓抑而限制運動 Restricted movement of the stifle