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山羊下痢的重要原因Some important causes of diarrhoea in goats


o  病毒Viruses

o  細菌Bacteria

¢  原蟲Protozoa

o  寄生蟲Parasites

o  營養與飼養管理Nutrition and management





隱胞子蟲 Cryptosporidiosis

o  病因:隱胞子蟲、寄生原蟲  Cause: Cryptosporidium parvum, a protozoan parasite

o  主要寄生部位:小腸 Main site: small intestine

o  可感染動物:仔牛、人類 Also infects: cattle, humans

o  傳染途徑:攝取受糞便汙染之飲水或飼料 Route of infection: ingestion of faecal contaminated feed, water

o  生命週期約34天 Life cycle short 3 to 4 days

o  仔羊通常一週齡內被感染 Kids usually infected in first week of life

o  通常於幼畜710日齡引起下痢及死亡 Common cause of diarrhoea and death in kids 7 to 10 days of age

o  厭食、大量水漾下痢(主要臨床症狀)、脫水、死亡 Anorexia, profuse, watery diarrhoea (main clinical sign), dehydration, death

o  是人畜共通傳染病 Potential zoonosis




台灣仔牛與山羊受隱胞子蟲感染現況 Cryptosporidiosis in cattle and goats in Taiwan*

o  2005由仔牛10家羊場共123頭山羊調查數據 2005 survey of faeces from cattle and 123 goats from 10 farms

o  受隱胞子蟲感染比例 The prevalence of Cryptosporidium infection was

l   37.6%(173/460 仔牛於27養牛場) 37.6% (173/460 cattle on 27 farms)

l   35.8%(44/123 山羊於10家養羊場) 35.8% (44/123 goats on 10 farms)

o  下痢或未下痢仔牛糞便中隱胞子蟲卵囊的檢出率並無顯著差異,未檢測山羊糞便No significant differences in presence or absence of oocysts when compared faeces of diarrheic and non-diarrheic cattle. Goatfaeces not compared.

o  作者表示成年牛隻可能是隱胞子蟲主要帶原動物,再進一步感染人群或山羊 Authors suggest adult cattle might be a reservoir for Cryptosporidium infection in goats and humans




隱胞子蟲症-診斷 Cryptosporidiosis - diagnosis

可能須藉由下列方式檢測 Laboratory tests may include:

o 利用齊耳-耳生二氏法直接對病羊糞便染色後以顯微鏡觀察是否有隱胞子蟲卵囊 Demonstration of oocytes by direct microscopic examination of faecal material stained with Ziehl-Neelsen stain

o 利用分子免疫方式測定 Molecular and immunological techniques to determine species

o 剖檢剛死亡的仔畜小腸做組織學檢查 Necropsy and histological sections of small intestine from freshly dead kids




隱胞子蟲症-治療 Cryptosporidiosis - treatment

o 無針對山羊之特效藥 No specific drug licensed for goats

o 樂福精為市售針對仔牛隱胞子蟲症治療之口服藥劑-每1mL/10kg體重、連續投藥7天 Halofuginone (Halocur, Intervet/Schering Plough Animal Health) is an oral drug marketed for treating calves with Cparvum  once daily for 7 days after feeding 1ml/10kg bodyweight

o 改善環境衛生、清除蟲卵可用高壓水柱、熱水或含清潔劑清水沖洗畜舍 Improve hygiene, kill oocysts  wash pens using high pressure, high temperature and detergent

o 進統出管理 All in  all out systems

o 確保所有仔畜充分攝取初乳 Ensure all kids get colostrum