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Ÿ   查看病仔乳牛的頭數(30/120頭在散播病原) Called out to look at a number of sick dairy calves (30/ 120 in shed)
Ÿ   感染年齡7~20日齡 Age affected 7 – 20 days
Ÿ   某些仔牛下痢,另一些則倒下或死亡” Some calves were scouring, others were “going down and dying”
Ÿ   一個月前從母牛檢出有沙門氏菌 Salmonella was diagnosed in the COWS about 1 month earlier

 該怎麼做 ? What should you do?

1-        感染仔牛糞便採樣 Faecal samples from affected calves
2-        犧牲1頭仔牛剖檢 Sacrifice a calf for PM
Ø 腸出血、腸系膜和淋巴結微生物培養,並進行新鮮/固定組織病理學檢查Hyperaemic gut, mesentery and lymph node samples sent for culture and fresh/ fixed histopathology
3-        初期時,你認為病因是什麼?At this early stage, what do you think is the cause?
4-        在等待結果的同時,你要做什麼?What are you going to do while waiting for the results?
5-        瞭解所有相關人員對病史的敘述。老闆和員工在處理事情方式有不同的說法(常見!). Take a good history from all people involved .The owners and workers all gave a different story as to how things were treated (not uncommon!)
6-        為什麼有這麼多頭仔牛生病?Why are so many calves getting sick?
7-        (母牛在生產時常見沙門氏菌與冠狀病毒排菌/排毒。健康仔牛通常能應付這些病原體,牠們必需以某種方式面對 (not uncommon for cows to shed salmonella, coronavirus etc at calving. Healthy calves usually cope with exposure to pathogens ok so they must be compromised in some way)
Ÿ   受影響 = 緊迫及免疫力差Compromise = stress and poor immunity
Ÿ   免疫力差 = 初乳攝取不足Poor immunity = inadequate colostrum!
大多數仔牛的下痢是由管理問題造成的。在此案例中,仔牛每天下午會被帶進仔牛舍一次Most calf scours come down to management issues. In this case, calves were brought into the calf shed once daily in the afternoons.
大家都假設仔牛在進入牛舍前會從母牛身上得到足夠的初乳Everyone assumed that the calves were getting adequate colostrum from the dam before getting to the shed
如何檢測這些? How do we test this?
10頭仔牛(<5日齡)接受檢測IgG (足夠 >100) 10 calves (< 5 days old) were tested for IgG (adequate > 100)
      3頭仔牛IgG < 100 3 calf IgG < 100
      7頭仔牛IgG > 100 7頭仔牛IgG > 100
特定初乳樣本的比重顯示牠們的數值偏低為什麼?Specific gravity of a number of colostrum samples showed they were all on the low side – why?
問題是… The problem…
Ÿ   擠奶器無法分辨第1搾次初乳和其他初乳,因而IgG量有稀釋的問題!Milkers were not separating out 1st milking colostrum from the other colostrum and as such diluting out the IgG levels
Ÿ   雙倍的問題 Double problem
Ÿ   牧場內的仔牛在前12小時沒吃到初乳 Calves in the paddock may have not been getting colostrum in the first 12 hours
Ÿ   仔牛進入牛舍並在前12小時餵飼初乳,所給予的初乳品質差 Calves getting to the shed and fed colostrum in the first 12 hours were given poor quality colostrum
剖檢和糞檢結果 Results from PM and faeces
沙門氏菌Salmonella Newport
Ÿ   因移行抗體轉移失敗及 From failure passive transfer and
Ÿ   因在牧場的時間增加而提高暴露Increased time in the paddock increasing exposure
治療 Treatment
Ÿ   牛乳中添加Trimethoprim sulphonamide PO (依感染頭數) Trimethoprim sulphonamide PO in milk (due to numbers affected)
Ÿ   病仔牛注射長效型非類固醇消炎藥( NSAIDS) Long acting NSAID injection to sick calves
Ÿ   口服液體 (若不吸乳,用輸管餵飼) Oral Fluids (tube fed if not sucking)
1-        初期2公升電解液,一天3(早、中、晚) Initially 2 L electrolytes TID (AM, noon, PM)
2-        若嚴重脫水,用下午時段以電解質液代替牛乳給予能量If severely dehydrated, substitute PM electrolytes for milk to provide energy
3-        狀況改善時:早上2公升牛乳,中午2公升電解質液,晚上2公升牛乳As improving: 2 L milk AM, 2 L electrolytes noon, 2 L milk PM